. Cya later to bad vibes! – GERRY CAN
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Cya later to bad vibes!

Olga Harmat selflove

If you’ve been following GERRYCAN  this week on Instagram, you know we’ve been getting real and exploring all the ways we unnecessarily dump on ourselves–and why we make ourselves feel unworthy of self love. If you’re not being kind to yourself, move in and let’s discuss.  We’re gonna help you flip the script.
First off, everything matters when it comes to discovering self love—from how you speak to yourself, speak about yourself, and treat yourself.  We are all guilty of being our own worst enemy at times. And we tell ourselves that who we are is not enough–that we’re somehow “less than.” Well, we’re not having it, so cut it out RN. It’s damaging AF. You need to ditch those bad vibes, girl. There’s only one YOU and it’s your responsibility to be nice to yourself. Go on. Recognise all the amazing things that make you awesome. 
The problem is that most of us, usually because of our socials, are always chasing perfection. It’s time to understand that you’re fabulous the way you are! Stop doing things for others or because you think you’re supposed to look or act a certain way. Because when you try to please them, you start to feel pretty crappy about yourself.  Be comfortable in your own skin, girl. Work through why you feel the need to do those things. The sooner you get real with yourself, the sooner you can genuinely begin to understand who you are as a human being. And then you can really flourish into who you were born to be!

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